Dogs and cats receiving placebo
2 treatments per week
Jessie & Sidney received Leba III after placebo trials
1 treatment per day
Jessie (received Leba III after placebo trials)
Sidney (received Leba III after placebo trials)
#1 JOSE (German Pinscher)
BORN: June 1994
ANIMAL HOSPITAL : Blue Cross, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada .
DOCTOR: Dr. Foster
DATE: September 21, 1994
REMARKS : 204 few hairs in sulcus . calculus cover 20% buccal
surface .
205 supernumery tooth
208,209 tartar as above .
307,308 Some tartar in grooves of teeth 309 spot mesio
buccal area .
104 tartar 15-20% of buccal surface 108 tartar as in
105 supernumery teeth .
No apparent gingival pathology .
#1 JOSE (German Pinscher)
BORN: June 1993
ANIMAL HOSPITAL : Blue Cross, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada .
DOCTOR: Dr. Foster
DATE: February 8, 1995
REMARKS: 104 - 25% tartar covered 105 x 2 - supernumery
105,106,107 - all stained (plaque) 70% of tooth surface
108,109 - about 50% tartar covered
406,407 - some stain (plaque) 205 - twinned
205,206 - stain (plaque) 207 - tartar on gingival margin
208 - about 30% tartar covered as above
209 - about 50% tartar covered as above
304 - tartar at gingival margin
306,307,308 - tartar as shown above
Comparing pictures - taken Feb. 8/95
Not much change - perhaps slightly worse
Was on placebo twice a week
#1 JOSE (German Pinscher)
BORN: June 1994
ANIMAL HOSPITAL : Blue Cross, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada .
DOCTOR: Dr. Foster
DATE: April 6, 1995
NO COMPLIANCE, tried Leba III daily since March 23, 1995
REMARKS: 104 - gingival tartar
105,106,107 - band of light-staining tartar mid-apical
portion of tooth .
108 - tartar around groove & mesially
109 - tartar covers 50% of distal half of tooth
406,407,408 - very light tartar gingivally .
204 - tartar at gingiva and extending slightly distally ,
light tartar gingivally 205,207, and mid-apical area of
208,209 - about 50% of tooth surfaces are tartar covered
304 - light tartar gingivally and distally
306,307 - gingival tartar
308 - some tartar on distal aspect
some stains on 309 .
April 6/95
Comments: Dr. Harvey DVM
Not much change in these teeth but owner reports has been hard to treat so
may not have gotten adequate treatment .
On Leba III but no compliance.
#6 JESSIE (Silky Terrier)
BORN: June, 1993
ANIMAL HOSPITAL : Blue Cross, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada .
DOCTOR: Dr. Foster
DATE: September 22, 1994
REMARKS: Tartar on gum line 104,108,109 .
Bit of tartar/stain gum line 204,208 .
305 - missing .
#6 JESSIE (Silky Terrier)
BORN: June, 1993
ANIMAL HOSPITAL : Blue Cross, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada .
DOCTOR: Dr. Foster
DATE: February 8, 1995
REMARKS: 103 - Tartar on 25% of tooth extending to 50% on
interdontal area .
104 - 25% tartar covered . 105,106,107 - tartar at gingival
margins .
108 - about 60% tartar covered except mesially .
109 - 40% tartar covered . 404 - tartar at gingival margin
406,407 - about 50% tartar covered . 408 - bit of stain on
tooth . 409 - surface stained . 203 - distal surface about
30% covered .
204 - 30% tartar covered .
205,206,207 - tartar over 30% of tooth surface .
208,209 - 50% tartar covered except 208 on mesial aspect .
304 - tartar on gingival margin .
05,306,307 - about 70% tartar covered .
308 - 50% tartar covered .
Picture taken Feb. 8/95
Nearly all teeth show a lot of tartar build-up between time of
pictures .
Jessie was on placebo twice a week .
#6 JESSIE (Silky Terrier)
BORN: June, 1993
ANIMAL HOSPITAL : Blue Cross, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada .
DOCTOR: Dr. Foster
DATE: April 6, 1995
REMARKS: 103,104,107 - spots of tartar only
108 - some tartar on groove only
109 - gingival tartar about 30% of tooth surface
Stain on 408,409
202,203 - some interdental tartar
209 - gingival tartar
208 - spots of tartar around groove
307,309 - some stain on labial surface
April 6/95
All teeth are nearly clean again now - much improved
from Feb 8/95 when had only been on placebo . (On Leba
III 1x day)
#5 MOLLY (Silky Terrier)
BORN: September, 1990
ANIMAL HOSPITAL : Blue Cross, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada .
DOCTOR: Dr. Foster
DATE: September 22, 1994
REMARKS: 104 - 40% tartar . 102,103 - distal portion has
some tartar - interdontal area .
108,109 - 60-70% tartar covered . 105,107 - 50% tartar
covered .
403,303 - missing .
404 -tartar extending over mesial surface . 405 - missing .
406,407,408,409 - about 50% of surface stained , gum
swelling over 204 .
204 -60% tartar covered . 207 - 30% tartar .
208,209 - 70% tartar covered .
306 - tartar on gum line . 307,308 - 50% tartar covered .
309 - 50% over mesial root has tartar
#5 MOLLY (Silky Terrier)
BORN: September, 1990
ANIMAL HOSPITAL : Blue Cross, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada .
DOCTOR: Dr. Foster
DATE: February 3, 1995
REMARKS: Tartar on distal surfaces 102,103 .
104 - 40% tartar covered , quite distally . 105 - 50%
tartar covered .
Tartar mesio - gingivally on 107 .
Tartar gingivally extending over groove and on mesial
aspect of 108 .
109 - 75% tartar covered .
Tartar on gingival margins of 201,202,203 extending over
50% of distal surface of 203 .
Tartar - mesio gingivally and on distal aspect of 204 .
205 missing . Plaque , stain on 207 , 208 shows tartar
mesially and over the entire distal aspect .
209 - 75% tartar covered . 403,405 - missing .
Tartar on gingival margin & extending on mesial surface of
404 .
Plaque or stain on gingival margin 407,408 .
Tartar covers 50-75% of mesial aspect of 409 . 305 missing
Tartar on gingival margin of 304 . 308 - Mild tartar and
stain over 50% of tooth surface .
309 - Tartar covers 50-75% of surface of mesial part of
tooth .
Pictures taken Feb. 3/95
Show not much change - possibly slightly more tartar visible .
Molly was on placebo twice a week.
#7 SIDNEY (Silky Terrier)
BORN: April, 1990
ANIMAL HOSPITAL : Blue Cross, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada .
DOCTOR: Dr. Foster
DATE: September 28, 1994
REMARKS: 103,503 - retained primary tooth .
01,102 - Couple spots of tartar in grooves . 104 - 60%
tartar covered .
105 - 75% tartar . 107 - stained . 108 - tartar as above .
109 - 70% tartar covered .
Spots on 401,402,403 . 404 - 50% tartar covered .
Light tartar on 407,408,409 .
201,202 - tartar interdontal areas . 603,203 - retained
primary tooth that is rotated .
208,209 - 70% tartar covered .
301,302 - tartar interdontal . 303 - tartar on gum line .
304 - some stain over lower 30% of tooth .
306,307,308 - tartar on gum line .
309 - staining on both sides of tooth .
#7 SIDNEY (Silky Terrier)
BORN: April, 1990
ANIMAL HOSPITAL : Blue Cross, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada .
DOCTOR: Dr. Foster
DATE: February 3, 1995
REMARKS: Spots of tartar on 101,102,103 . 103,203 are
rotated , may be retained deciduous teeth .
04 - 50% tartar covered , less so labially .
105,107 - tartar covered . 108,109 - 75% tartar covered .
202,203 - spots of tartar more extensive on 203 .
204 - 30% tartar covered , greater on distal surface .
205 - tartar covered . 206 - missing .
207,208,209 - 60-75% tartar covered .
Spots of tartar on 402,403 . 404 - 30% tartar covered .
405,407,408 - have light tartar over entire surface .
409 - light amount of tartar gingivally .
Tartar interdentally 301,302 . Spots of tartar on 303 .
Stain and light tartar gingival aspects of 304 .
Light tartar over most of the surface of 305,307,308 .
Light tartar and plaque on gingival margin of 309 .
Picture taken Feb. 3/95
Show increase in amount of tartar - especially 107 & 108 .
Sydney was on placebo twice a week .
#7 SIDNEY (Silky Terrier)
BORN: April, 1990
ANIMAL HOSPITAL : Blue Cross, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada .
DOCTOR: Dr. Foster
DATE: March 31, 1995
REMARKS: Spot of tartar on 103, 103 rotated
gingival tartar and stains on 104 .
Stain on 105,107, 106 missing
gingival tartar on mesial aspect of 108
Gingival tartar on 109
401,402 interdental tartar, gingival tartar 404
Stain on 407, bit of tartar gingivally on 408
409 - stain & light tartar on mesial aspect .
203,204 - tartar at gingival margin only distal aspect 203
208 - tartar mesio-gingivally
209 - 50% of surface tartar covered
301,302 - interdental tartar, 304 - stain distal and
305,307,308 - gingival tartar and mild gingivitis
Light staining on 309 gingivally .
April 21/95
Comments: Dr. Harvey DVM
Pictures taken March 31/95 - show teeth nearly all cleaned up since Feb. 3/95 when had gotten worse.Has been on daily use of Leba III for 4 weeks . Very positive improvement . Was on Leba III daily. (On Leba III 1x day)